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Flexibility & Posture Testing

Warm Up on the Beach

Background Information

What is it:

Flexibility refers to the range of motion in any given joint in your body; the more flexible you are, the more pain-free range of motion you will experience. In the lab, we measure flexibility of the shoulder, mid-back, lower back, and hamstrings.


Practicing flexibility exercises (stretching) helps to gradually increase your range of motion in your joints; for athletes, or those whom are committed to physical activity programs, stretching is crucial. Stretching helps an athlete warm up and cool down their muscles before and after strenuous activity, which helps to prevent injuries. On rest days, stretching can be done to prevent stiffness and pulled muscles.

ACSM Recommendations:

According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, stretching should be completed at least 2-3 days per week in order to improve range of motion. They recommend holding each stretch for 10-30 seconds to the point of tightness or slight discomfort, then repeat each stretch 2-4 times accumulating 60 seconds per stretch. Your personal flexibility routine should consist of different types of stretches, such as static stretches, dynamic stretches, and ballistic stretches. Stretching is most effective when muscles are warmed up; for example, a light jog, warm bath, or any light activity.


Arm circles, ankle circles, calf stretch against wall, child's pose, toe-touches, side lunges, hip circles, knee to chest, assisted stretching

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127 Butcher Center, Shepherd University


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